Did you got your car keys misplaced, broken or damaged? Need the services of an emergency automotive locksmith specialists?
Okey DoKey Locksmith is at your back 24 hours every day!
Call (832)408-0006 for a FREE ESTIMATE and our pros will be with you immediately. Unlock your door, reprogram your car computer and cut and program a new working key on your premises. We will let you back behind the wheel in no time.
If you entered this page, you most likely looking for a motor vehicle locksmith.
broken or lost the keys to your vehicle, got your car key stolen by your mad ex spouse or got your car door lock damaged.
Need to cut and program a blank after-market duplicate keyfob remote or keyless entry device.
By reading this article, you will learn the basic of transponder key replacement.
The implication it may have on site, timing and pricing of car keys made services, so you will be able to choose the best solution to your problem.
In addition we will pinpoint you on a fast and convenient a locksmith store, mobile locksmith, local hardware, dealership or even where to buy chip keys online.
Want a duplicate remote or keyless fob?
Get a FREE price estimate.
After years of high rates of car theft during the 20th century, a new key-lock system developed. Segining in the mid 90's most vehicles adopts a PAT, V.A.T.S or transponder keys.
The main mission was to hamper vehicle theft as well as making drivers life more convenient. By using this computable technology manufacturer enables automatic functions. Driver can use a remote for opening/closing the doors by, unlocking the trunk, sound an alarm siren and more.
The transponder chip is usually hidden inside a plastic head on top of the key! When turning the ignition to the ON state, the chip in the key send an electrical signal to the automobile main computer.
If the code recognized, it will demobilize the immobilizer and the vehicle allow the engine to start. This means that a key is program to synced the automobile ECM for the engine to start.
In the past, losing your car key meant a trip to the dealer or the hardware store to cut a new key by the VIN. Then drive back to where the car is at to use the new key and drive away as if nothing happened.
A key with a chip need not only to cut to fit the ignition switch, but also need programming to match the immobiliser. Only then, the vehicle to recognize the key.
If a driver lose the keys to his vehicle, the car computer reprogrammed or re-flashed. The vehicle will accept the new key and reject the old one. This done by a way-side assistance lock-smith who come out to the car or the vehicle towed to the dealership.
Before you scheduling with a locksmith or at the dealer check your entitlement for a free/deductible key made.
Try the following 4 options:
Nonetheless, depending on the credit card you may have deductible charges and limited use. If you have a few credit cards, you might be able to overcome the limit.
To check the type of road side assistance for your specific cards click here.
Lost your car key?
We make car keys on-site.
Many times drivers lost the last key to your car, your key hard to fit the lock or hard to turn in the ignition lock. Sometimes it might be a sign of ignition problems, but also might be due to a worn out key.
Losing the last key to your vehicle is usually more expensive than getting a duplicate. On top of the high price there is the hassle of towing or mobile locksmith services. By being alert to warning signals from your car key-lock system, you can save your time and money.
If your key show signs of weakness, don't wait for it to fail on a critical moment. Call a locksmith or the dealership to duplicate your key before getting into an awkward situation.
There are many vehicle makers, models and years, key-lock technologies and type of keys. With the right tips you will save a lot of money when duplicating car keys.
To duplicate keys, some vehicles requires specific number of functional keys. In some situations all keys must be present and in some duplication done with no keys by the VIN.
Some have on-board key cloning procedure and some requires diagnostic and programming equipment. Some requires that only a licensed locksmith or the dealer will be able to duplicate keys.
To save tens to hundreds of dollars, buy a blank or a cut key online and try to program it yourself. If you can't find a way to program the key, drive to a locksmith store to get it program.
Broken or damaged key is the result of years of wear and tear. Dropping the key on the ground, getting it wet somehow damaging the chip inside the key head and many more. Some use force to turn the key and some use wrong key and damage the cylinder and keyhole.
With this type of problems, the best thing to do is to is to call a competent locksmith. Giggling the key or trying to pull it out by a non experience hands, might cause greater damage and expenses.
There are various techniques to retrieve a key that broke or got stuck or broke in a keyhole. The lock and key are very fragile, so removing it by unexperienced hands isn't recommended. The risk is that the cylinder will damaged or the key pushed further down the shaft. This will requires the vehicle towed to the dealer and take the ignition out and apart.
Key extraction is a job for a professional with the right extraction and picking locks tools.
After using the key in the lock keyhole so many times, a bent, splintered or damaged key is not a rare condition. If you feel difficulties using your key, don't wait for the key will be half-broken inside the keyhole. To avoid bigger problem and related agony, you better take care of it as soon as possible.
Many time a damaged key requires creation of a new key by VIN. This done to avoid copying the flaw grooves from the old key into the new one. The process will increase the price of a key in average 20-30$ and done by a locksmith or the dealer only.
After an accident or a car theft attempt, damage locks is a fender bender. Many times keys freely turn or hard to turn in the keyhole, stuck or not turn at all in the lock. A car locksmith will trace the root of the malfunction and replace or repair the lock.
Regardless of the scenario, it is necessary to check and fix your car as soon as possible and the root of the fault, too. You will need the services of an auto locksmith professional.
You can call us free of charge when ever you need a mobile car locksmith. Our agents will send the nearest and unengaged locksmith to your place that will be with you in a jiffy.
Cadillac, BMW, Infiniti, Lexus, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Subaru, Jeep, Honda, GMC, Ford, Hyundai, Mazda, Dodge, Audi, Toyota, Kia, Acura and Chrysler
We are available to serve you twenty-four hours on each day of the week even if you requires an express service or otherwise.
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